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Play Box

Play is our brain’s favourite way to learn! Research shows that play is one way children develop some of the most important skills for being lifelong learners. Play enables us to explore, practice and try out ways of tackling similar challenges in the real world. Skills like problem-solving, creativity, empathy, communication and teamwork all have their foundations in play. When children learn through play, they are personally motivated by the satisfaction of being embedded in the activity, at their level of challenge and interest. This means children are joyful, actively engaged with their bodies and minds, taking risks and experimenting, to come up with ideas and questions, creating things and solving problems. Learning through play is about “how” you learn, it need not be constrained by “what” you learn or “where” you learn.

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得寶遊戲箱 DUPLO® Play & Learn Playbox 一、二級 及 STEM工作坊設計證書課程

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