Unleash your creativity through LEGO® bricks
Content is the king. It is the key to attract business leads. When done right, it can fuel the digital growth of your company. The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method uses hand brain connection to unlock your insight and creativity. It makes invisible visible.
When Content Marketing meets with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®, you can provide people with the type of content they are craving, something they have not seen before.
Learning Outcome
The purpose and goals for your content
Target audience and buyer’s journey
The most effective paid, earned, shared and owned channels to leverage
Metrics and key performance indicators
Resources and processes required to deliver on the plan
Course Outline
Using LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology to generate and execute new ideas
How to maximize the creative content from quantity to quality with Mandala Methodology
How to do the content evaluation by Payoff Matrix
Understand the KPIs for Content Marketing